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Intensive Treatment for OCD and Anxiety Disorders

All Services are Tailored to Individual Needs


​Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder knows no age or class distinctions. In fact, many people with high intellectual development and great achievements suffer from OCD. OCD enslaves its victims, enmeshing them in a stifling web of intrusive thoughts and urges. There are various methods and protocols to break this vicious circle.


The Westwood Institute for Anxiety Disorders integrates two of the best approaches to OCD treatment:


  • Prolonged Exposure and Response Prevention Protocol developed by Edna Foa, PhD, author of Stop Obsessing!

  • Four-Step Method developed by Jeffrey M. Schwartz, MD, author of Brain Lock​


An assessment is required before designing your treatment program. Based on the assessment results, we will determine what is needed for your case and which team members we will assign to you. The assessment usually takes around 2-3 hours and includes a free follow-up consultation to discuss the results. Contact us to schedule your appointment today!





Three-Week Intensive Program

​This is an intensive program. For three weeks you will dedicate all of your energy, willpower, attentiveness, and trust to achieving freedom from obsessions and compulsions. If you come ready to abolish the OCD, your medical team will be ready to work with you.

The program is individually tailored to your specific needs and conditions. You work one-on-one with a highly trained therapist who will guide you and--when necessary--drag you through every step of the process. You will be treated, monitored, and taught by a highly motivated and trained team of experts in psychopharmacology, psychiatry, and cognitive behavioral therapy.

Couples Therapy
Twice-Per-Week Anxiety Disorders Program

​The Spectrum Disorders Program is a semi-intensive approach made to accommodate the professionals and busy individuals that are struggling to deal with or maintaining the level of their disorder.


For eight weeks you will work with the staff to achieve freedom from obsessions and compulsions at the Institute and will agree to complete the assigned daily homework assignments.


The program is individually tailored to your specific needs and conditions. You work one-on-one with a highly trained therapist who will guide you and -- when necessary -- drag you through every step of the process. You will be treated, monitored, and taught by a highly motivated and trained team of experts in psychopharmacology, psychiatry, and cognitive behavioral therapy.

BDD Intensive Program

​Dr. Gorbis' Crooked Mirrors Externalization therapy is a ground-breaking protocol that utilizes both Externalization techniques and Exposure and Response Prevention. The process of 'externalization' works by causing the breakdown of maladaptive associations directed and repetitive manipulation of their external, material icons. In exposure therapy, BDD patients are provided with a symptoms list and must then induce the debilitating condition and self-monitor/rate objective signs, such as pulse rate, extent of nausea, dizziness, and cognitive distortions e.g. 'My nose and forehead are too big.' Cognitive restructuring through writing exercises and observational records are emphasized.

Adolescent Therapy
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